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What is Book Burning?

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

What is Book Burning?

It's not about burning books.

Writer: Christopher Handrahan; Aug 12, 2022, MST (Published on Stitched Ink Media)

The embellished burning of any book as a spectacle might be a symbolic rally of political protest or nothing more than the eradication of a space priorly occupied by discolored waste.

As a sole and otherwise forgotten copy, the burning of a single last book might become private sacrifice or a cathartic branding of suicide or murder for a failed or successful grouping of worded ideas meant for a different, less resistive time, world or reality than the one it found itself while fatefully consumed by ordinary flame back into the nothingness of the universe.

Book Burning is the ageless struggle of indifference to the Word and the Idea for its potential implications to the system’s misgivings as exaggerated skit. It is indifference to past and future, to the evolution of choice, change and resistance emblemed against historical subterfuge.

It is the historically instigating culprit of stratagem against the perceived threat of a mere difference and the reaping advantages of an empowered spite.

It is the maneuverings of marketed freedoms for private favor.

Rather than towering bonfires of books as public exhibit and cheering homage to erasure for the sake of proper goodness, it is more closely akin to the suppressions enabled for success to succeed in the political competitions of industry against the urgency of a creative reality teeming with alternatives to pluck.

It is the aggressive suppression of alternatives and the rehashed provisioning of one choice of will over another choice of will.

It is political opportunism against the trusts of unmolested choice and a reaping of the advantages of a reality covertly alleged to be abandoned of freedoms of choice not yet chosen.

Book Burning is a choice of alternative!

Often, it is distorted as censorship, or the ageless political rallying call in the discriminatory victimizing of creativity, culture, true opinion and art for momentary, partisan favor privileged with an absence of minded concern for its widening consequences beyond overtly opinionated schemes for higher, proud favor.

Book Burning is the absence of imagination within a system permissive of political tampering.

Contrary to becoming crushed under the overwhelming weight of so-many confounding and suspicious words, paragraphs, pages, ideas, differences, fictions, arts and creativities.

A Recommended Book on this Topic

- Too Loud a Solitude, Bohumil Hrabal


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