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On Biodiversity

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

Biodiversity is a fitting solution to a universal dilemma. It initiates from the fundamental forces of the cosmos preceding it, conferred upon by the energized wave patterns and enabling particles of its world as the first intersecting pieces of a gifted birthright, gained through the unobservable tides and the winds, the unfelt light and chemical compositions of a provisioned worldly space conveniently readymade and primed for conquest: enacting the prior world’s full potentiality as its heritable origin.

On Biodiversity; Writer: Christopher Handrahan; Cover Photography by The Author; December 21, 2022 (MST) (Published on Stitched Ink Media)

Biodiversity is a fitting solution to a universal dilemma. It initiates from the fundamental forces of the cosmos preceding it, conferred upon by the energized wave patterns and enabling particles of its world as the first intersecting pieces of a gifted birthright, gained through the unobservable tides and the winds, the unfelt light and chemical compositions of a provisioned worldly space conveniently readymade and primed for conquest: enacting the prior world’s full potentiality as its heritable origin.

A beginning spun by chance, luck, and a vast topography of entrusted, unfilled imagination, its stone is germinated with the expectation of its unannounced position in relationship with an eternity surrounding it, finding itself spotted and marked in time as an ancient, fixed starting point of unique and comingling ambitions.

As success, its spontaneous birth is destined to inevitably recognize a self-reflection encouraged by its risen, venerable awareness, following stringent eons inventing the evolving affliction of control and sacrificial resistance affixed to its disobedient cause of transformation temporally defined by its ample or renounced allocation of adopted space.

Biodiversity is the environment, first sighted as the shapes and surfaces of its cooperatives. Inevitably, harmonized cooperation becomes enabled by the systems of competition among newly evolving statuses of an affectively stated environmental existence. The outcomes of these statuses determine the source of its future organic textures as a reality to share by the forceful rules and naturally embedded designs of its local and nonlocal coopetition plotting an environmental backdrop of coordinated activity.

Biodiversity is nature, the endpoint of environmental stimulus, its vicinity a defining, refining terrain of innovative change and solutions for betterment or detriment.

Biodiversity promotes risk and opportunity. It energizes probability. It is vast, dense or thinly layered.

By its gainful strategy, entire worlds can be built: started from a few meager chemical pieces and the mild energetic flows of an existence benignly behaving without it. With its loss, an entire world and immeasurable knowledge, striving, effort and awareness can be outdone through its abrupt absence of presented answers.

Embedded within the strategic designs of Biodiversity as an overwhelming solution is the confidence that, so long as the conditions of chance continue as opportunity for its existence, it is victor either way. The sole difference in the thickness and appearance of its manifestation is time.

With Biodiversity, a present state of success is the means to an end to its future state of continuance.

Written by Chris Handrahan. For more on Biodiversity consider ordering or buying his book, Systemic Evolutions, or his novel, Walking on Stones, in which Nature plays a supporting role as the atmospheric mysticism.


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